J. Skulj
Hindu Institute of Learning
Dr. Richards and his team of 36 co-workers, drawn from 20
universities and
5 research institutes, found evidence
that colonization of Europe by modern
man spanned a period of ~50,000
years. However, during the last 10,000
years only ~25% of the population
arrived, and since Bronze Age only ~7% of
new genetic groups came into the Alpine
region of Europe (Richards et al,
2000, in Am. J. Hum. Genet.
If we compare this genetic admixture to
present Canadian immigration
pattern, where yearly immigrants
constitute ~1% of the total Canadian
population, we can see that Canada has
received more new population in the
last 10 years, than Alpine region of
Europe during the last 4,000 years.
Yet this has not resulted in any
replacement of the official languages in
Canada. On the other hand, in
Europe, archeologists and historians tell us
that in Italy, including the Alpine
region, the Etruscan and the Venetic
languages were replaced, by
Latin. Why did languages change in Italy in
ancient times, 2000 years ago, but are
not changing in Canada in modern
times? Is the process of language
replacement in Austria similar to that
of ancient Rome? How much of the
process of language change is due to
demic and how much of it is due to
cultural factors?
Still in the area of the Alps, namely
Slovenia, north-eastern Italy and
southern Austria, Latin did not
predominate to the exclusion of Slovenian.
The biography of St. Columban
(543-615), written by his disciple and
successor, Abbot Jona Bobbiensis refers
to inhabitants of Noricum, the area
of your research, ”Veneti qui et Sclavi
Study of the disappearance of Slovenian
dialects in Austria in recent
times, due to German influences, could
also give us a better understanding
as to why Sanskrit became such a
dominating language in India during a much
earlier historical era 5,000-10,000
years ago.
Lord Colin Renfrew wrote recently that
based on the genetic discoveries,
the prehistory of the world populations
will have to be rewritten. Some
Slovenian scholars have already started
the process of revising the old
historical theories and have published
their work in the book VENETI First
Builders of European Community by
Savli, Bor, Tomazic translator Skerbinc.