Article 1 - Denomination.

The Association assumes the denomination "Europa Veneta", in consideration of the Central European origins of the Veneti living between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea, and of the testimony of the diffusion of the ancient Veneti population in a large part of Europe.

Article 2 - Residence.

The Association's legal residence is in Venice, Calle Racchetta n.3774.

Article 3 – Non-profit.

The Association has no economic or political party ends, it promotes activities and makes historical, cultural, linguistic works either alone or in collaboration with other institutes, with private or public bodies, and with school and university surroundings.

Article 4 - Principles and Aims.

Europa Veneta was founded to enlarge and to spread the knowledge of the venetian historical, cultural and linguistic heritage, to revive Venetian Nation consciousness and to reaffirm its right - just like any other nation or community - to preserve and to develop its own culture, language, its ethnic roots and identity according to the spirit of the U.N. Charter, the bill of rights, the A.I.D.L.C.M. Statute, the Helsinki Charter, the Venetian Language Manifesto, the Regione Veneto and neighbouring Regions Statutes. Among concrete objectives are:

Besides, the Association intends to strengthen the historical and cultural links with all those European peoples whose past was interested by ancient Veneti's presence on their own territories.

Article 5 - Members.

All persons showing to care about the peculiar principles and aims of this statute may join the Association; the new members' admittance is resolved by the Board of Governors, subject to undersigned membership application and statute acceptance.

Article 6 - Main bodies.

The Association's main bodies are the General Meeting, the Board of Governors and the Presidency. The offices have yearly tenure and can be reconfirmed.

Article 7 - General Meeting.

All the enrolled members are called into the General Meeting at last once in a year and whenever the Board of Governors fixes it; every year the General Meeting discusses and votes expenditures, it elects the Board of Governors, it presents the past activities and the future plans. The meeting on first calling is valid with at least the half of the enrolled members or - if this quorum is not filled up - the meeting will be held on second calling in that same day, at least two hours later, with no determined quorum.

 Article 8 - The Board of Governors.

The Board of Governors members' number is decided by the General Meeting from time to time; it rules and runs the Association, presents the balances, drafts the documents and attends the organizing activity. Also, it is competent to appoint - by majority vote of its members - the presidency and to resolve new members' admittance.

Article 9 - Presidency.

The President or the Presidency has the Association's legal representation; the Board of Governors is competent to appoint one of its members to Presidency and one to Secretariat, offices that can also be collegial.

Article 10 - Members' forfeit.

The member's forfeit is stated by the Board of Governors and can be caused by spontaneous resignation, or by non-payment of the yearly entrance fee, or by behavior not in accordance with this statute's sense and rules.

Article 11 - Possessions.

The funds and the possessions are made by: a) members' entrance fee, which is fixed by the Board of Governors; b) possible extraordinary contributions; c) contributions by public and private bodies; d) any other proceeds deriving from the associative activities.

Article 12 - Venetian Calendar.

The associative activities are dated also according to the Venetian calendar, putting the m.v. initials (more veneto) after this kind of date.

Article 13 - Statute changing.

The Statute can be changed by majority of enrolled members.