of the Slovenians
International Topical Conference
Ljubljana June
10th and 11th, 2005
Slovenian World Congress,
Cankarjeva 1/IV, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Provisional Programme
Author |
Title |
Time |
Friday, June 10, 2005 |
Registration |
800-900 |
Opening |
900-915 |
Vuga L. |
Karel Oštir v luči teorije kontinuitete (Linguist Karel Oštir in the Light of the Theory of Continuity (TC)) |
915-940 |
Vodopivec V. |
Izum kolesa gibalo napredka (Invention of Wheel as the Impetus to the
Progress) |
940-1000 |
Škulj J |
Etruscans, Veneti and Slovenians: A Genetic Perspective (Etruščani, Veneti in Slovenci: genetski vidik) |
1000-1020 |
Tomažič I. |
Imena pričajo (The Names Speaking the Evidence) |
1020-1040 |
Rant J. |
Onomastika rimskega Norika in sledovi noriških imen v današnjem
slovenskem prostoru in sosedstvu (Onomastics of the Roman Noricum and Traces of
Norican Names in the Contemporary Slovenia and Neighbouring Countries) |
1040-1100 |
break |
1100-1130 |
Rant A. |
Karnijski in venetski toponimi v Veliki Britaniji (Carnian and Venetic Toponyms in Great Britain) |
1130-1150 |
Nikčević V. P. |
Jat (ѣ) u slovenskom i
ostalijem slovjenskim jezicima kao razlikovni elemenat u svjetlosti
istorizma, monogeneze i poligeneze (Yat (ѣ) in Slovenian and Other Slavic Languages as the Distinguishing
Element in View of Historism, Monogenism and Polygenism) |
1150-1210 |
M., Tomezzoli G. |
Linguistic Computational Analysis to measure the distances between
ancient Venetic, Latin and Slovene languages (Jezikoslovna računalniška analiza meri medsebojne oddaljenosti med
nekdanjim venetskim, latinskim in slovenskim jezikom) |
1210-1230 |
Vodopivec V. |
Primerjava sodobnih evropskih, indoevropskih in nekaterih starih
jezikov (Comparison of Modern European, Indoeuropean,
and Some Ancient Languages) |
1230-1250 |
Lunch |
Rant A. |
Venetska jezikovna podstat angleškega jezika (Venetic Linguistic Substrate of the English Language) |
1500-1520 |
Rant J. |
Istoizvorne Swadesheve besede indo-evropskih jezikov v bazi I. Dyen in primer uporabe v filogenetični lingvistiki (Cognate Swadesh Words of I-E Languages in the Data Base of I. Dyen and an Example of Linguistic
Philogenetics) |
1520-1540 |
Megušar F. |
Keltske sledi na Slovenskem: toponimi Traces of Ancient Celts in Slovenia : Place – Names |
1540-1600 |
Krnel Umek D. |
Meja med Histri in Veneti v opisu iz leta 1775 (The Border Between Histri and Veneti as
Described in 1775 AD) |
1600-1620 |
Discussion |
1620-1700 |
Dinner |
1800- |
Saturday June 11, 2005 |
Author |
Title |
time |
Ambrožič A |
The "Warrior" Stele from Lemnos ("Vojščakova" stela z Lemnosa) |
900-910 |
Vodopivec V. |
Študija prečrkovanj in branj najstarejšega venetskega napisa (Transcriptions and Readings of the Oldest
Venetic Inscription) |
910-930 |
Čudinov V.A. |
Five Inscriptions on the Bronze Tools. Are they
Venetic? (Pet napisov na bronastih predmetih. Ali so
venetski?) |
930-950 |
Belchevsky O. |
A New View on Classical Mythology with the Use of
Slavonic and Macedonian Vocabulary (Nov pogled na klasično mitologijo z uporabo slovanskega in
makedonskega besedišča) |
950-1010 |
M., Tomezzoli G. |
3D Facial Reconstruction from a Skull of a
Male Subject of the Neolitic “Square Mouth Vases” Culture of
Quinzano (Verona-IT) (3D rekonstrukcija obraza lobanje moškega
pripadnika neolitske kulture "posod s kvadratnim ustjem" iz
Quinzana (Verona, IT)) |
1010-1030 |
Odmor (Coffee break) |
1030-1100 |
Belchevsky O. |
A Study of the
Origins, Connections and Meanings of the Indo-European Words reeka, ree, rea, river in Language
and Mythology (Izvori, povezave
in pomeni indoevropskih besed reeka,
ree, rea, reka v jeziku in mitologiji) |
1100-1120 |
Vodopivec V. |
Primerjava branj retijskega napisa na meču iz Verone - popravki (Comparison of Readings of a Retian
Inscription on the Sword of Verona - corrections) |
1120-1130 |
Discussion |
1130-1300 |
Conference closing |
1300 |
Lunch |