Latest entries:
  • The Wall Street Journal ranking for 2003: Slovenia recovers from "Mostly Unfree" for 2002 classifaction to "Mostly Free" for 2003 -- but receives no higher ranking than in 2001. Why no better than Jordan, Philipines and Uganda?
  • Prof. Edi Gobetz asks why the economic policies of Slovenia's government are no better than that of Paraguay or Swaziland... November 2001
  • It appears you can fool most of the people in Slovenia all of the time... March 2001 items by Charlotte Taft and Borut Prah
  • Year 2001 Index of Economic Freedom recognizes Bajuk's Government! Slovenia's rating moves up from 74th to 63th place, first time in the MOSTLY FREE group.
  • Year 2000 Index of Economic Freedom: Slovenia's rating moves up from 81th to 74th place, but remains in the MOSTLY UNFREE group.
  • Ljubo Sirc in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Communist Economics Plague the Balkans...:The decision of Western leaders to withold aid from Yugoslavia stems more from a desire to punish than from a sober reflection on the uselessness of providing financial support to countries governed by communists.
  • US Congress: "we ask that Slovenia ensure that all those with legitimate claims, whether current or former citizens, be given fair and equitable treatment and that their claims be adjudicated in accordance with the rule of law."
  • Lord Harris of High Cross said in the House of Lords on April 29, 1998, : "I urge the Minister to take note of these deplorable proceedings [in Slovenia] and to reaffirm Resolution 1096."
  • Council of Europe Resolution 1096, adopted on 27 June, 1996, was concealed from the Slovenian public until November 1997. The victims of communist expropriation in Slovenia ask their government: WHY?
  • The Wall Street Journal (December 1, 1997) and The Heritage Foundation rank Slovenia's economic freedom together with Mali and Mongolia and behind Zambia. Why does the country with some of the best educated people in the world end up ranked as a Third World state????
    Marxist leadership.
  • FORBES magazine (June 16, 1997) ranks Slovenia 94th among 115 nations regressing from the 84th place (see below)? Why?
  • The Wall Street Journal (December 16, 1996) and The Heritage Foundation rate Slovenia No. 84, but spell it as "Solvenia". A rather accurate reflection of the current government. The new prime minister can easily correct it, simply by enforcing the laws.